
AI Only Services


AI On Premise

Beyond infrastrcture and platforms, we help Kaiser Permanente to establish strategies, standards, and ecosystem to power AI for Health Care.


Smart Building

LSTM, Double Deep Q-Learning, Policy Gradient. We help JCI to provide Office of the Future solutions for the Middle East's Bee'ah.


AI In Cloud

How to develop and implement AI strategy? We help launching Edison AI Service at GE HealthCare, and we may help you too!

AI Success Stories


Image Generation

A Diffusion generative model for the GE HealthCare. It localizes lung diseases on Xray images. Demoed @ RSNA 2018


Large Language Model

A Transformer architecture and self-supervised Learning combined approach to understand clinical notes.


Deep Reinforcement Learning

A Deep RL agent keeps business buildings' energy consumption economic yet maintains residents comfortability.

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